CX Vibe
Your team is your core differentiator
Every interaction between your business brand and your customer is influenced by your team. So it's important that they telegraph your business mission, vision and values. . Below are time tested training courses that have helped our clients get their teams pulling in the same direction. Or ask us to tailor a session or an entire program specific to your needs.

Business Development Program
The following business development Sessions that can be delivered independently or combined into a Business Development Program. As a Program the series provides your people with the secrets to success in tapping into your businesses most a valuable asset… your customers.
Part 1
Part 2
Product and/or
Service Management
Customers expect seamless, positive experiences with every interaction. Businesses that can demonstrate they value the customer’s time will outperform their competitors in customer satisfaction. This Session take service professionals through the process of re-orienting to the customer perspective through active
listening, role play and case studies.
There are so many options for your businesses to reach their customer base that it is sometimes difficult to know where to start. This course provides an overview the marketing approaches and tools available to make your digital presence reflect your business brand.
Once you have a digital presence it’s critical to track & measure your marketing efforts. In this session you learn how to evaluate your technology choices and evaluate the return on your marketing
In developing new products or services there is an inclination to reuse experience from our past or borrow ideas we’ve seen
succeed. This is one form of innovation; but there is also the higher order skill of product and/or service management characterized by the ability to take a trend or trends, pair with new requirements and address a situation in a whole new way. Focus in this Session are activities in listening and brainstorming, as well as development of the product plan and governance.
What Motivates
Personal leadership is one of your most powerful tools in life. In this Session you review your motivation themes… listen to your inner voice, what is it telling you?
Dimensions of
Review the organization’s Mission, Vision and Values and explore the ties your Leadership Themes.
Motivating Others
Practice listening to understand motivators of your colleagues for the purpose of connecting with others
The opportunity conundrum!!! - What got you here, may not get you there! Individuals need experience to grow BUT certain experiences are not available until you are in a leadership role. An approach for Personal Development is to build qualifications now to be prepared for ythe future.
Professional Development Program
The following is a Professional Development Series that guides exploration of individual career development. This particular series helps individuals explore the skills for leading a team and creates the framework for their transition to a management position. This starts with a reflection on personal motivators. Next the Series focuses on Personal Dimensions of Leadership starting with how individuals’ motivators align with their organization’s mission. Followed by a self-assessment of various dimensions of leadership including experience, skills, motivators and characteristics. Then the Series moves into the topic of Motivating Others to explore the fit of the individuals with Team Leadership roles. Finally the Series wraps up with each individual developing their Personal Development Plan to assist in identifying an appealing career path and assess any gaps in skills that require\attention for advancement
Understanding Motivators
Management 1
Management 2
Team Building
Negotiation Fundamentals
Leadership Styles
Explore personal motivators to help shape individual leadership style. Practice active listening for the purpose of understanding other peoples’ motivators. Improve team leadership skills by shaping your discussions with partners and employees as you drive greater team performance.
Explore types & causes of conflict. Identify approaches to conflict management and practice empathy statement skills to open the door to managing disagreement.
Explore in more detail the steps to address conflict. Examine our own”go to” approach for resolving conflicts. Assess different approaches to conflict management and discuss what helps and hinders the process.
Part of creating a strong personal brand is understanding how networks work, determining which networks support your brand and carefully cultivating your own networks. In this Session learn how formal and informal networks help you get work done. Explore how we want to show up as a professional, leader, contributor or champion. Practice personal introductions to positively influence the impressions we give. And finally, review network tips such as: Newcomer to a Network - it is important to establish your reputation and develop your presence. Tip: get to know the culture, understand how the team works and become a valued contributor before proposing change. Established in a Network – Tip: a good rule of thumb is to balance your give and take evenly over time.
Review what the experts say about building high performance teams. Explore techniques that help team members become involved in setting a meaningful purpose. Discuss team leadership and facilitation techniques that foster success.
Negotiation Fundamentals builds upon Understanding Motivators and Managing Conflict. Understanding motivators avoids negotiation as a single dimension issue where one party wins and the other loses. Rather common ground appears when approaching as multidimensional issue with a variety of motivators. And bridging statements from conflict management helps bring parties to a solution that is better than what would happen in absence of negotiation. In this Session, explore different approaches to negotiation and perform a role play to experience negotiation first-hand.
Leadership Styles builds upon Understanding Motivators. In this session we explore Common Leadership Styles, as well as explore approaches to working with different Leaders based on an assessment of their leadership style
When employees can adapt quickly, the entire organization can respond better, experience less stress, remain flexible, and improve their ability to answer the demands of an increasingly challenging marketplace. We know that great initiatives start with a leader with a vision and an initiative purpose with reason for action. However, there are also important followership skills required for initiative success. The first follower helps gain the momentum and really transition from vision to reality. The Session focuses on both leadership and followership skills; phases of change; introducing, leading and sustaining commitment.
Organization are making a lot of decision all the time. This Session explores the complexity of decision making, what gets in the way and what is the best process to follow in order to increase the odds of the best outcome. With a better understanding of how decisions are made, Session participant leave with strategies to making, and leading their team to make, the best decisions.
Discuss the latest studies on what makes up Executive Presence. Explore a simple guide to enhance your executive presence.

Leadership Development Program
The following are the leadership skill development Sessions that can be delivered independently or combined into a Leadership Program. The Sessions are designed to address the common disconnect between Executive desire for leaders and Business. Manager needs for training relevant to the issues they face. Through interactive, thought-provoking sessions, participants engage in role play, group discussion, independent exercises and team deliverables to build their leadership skills and network to address everyday business challenges.
Change Management
Decision Making
Executive Presence